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Everyone deserves a nice hot shower after a long day, so when the water in your shower doesn't heat up when you turn it on, we can imagine how annoying and frustrating this can be. To find out why your shower isn't producing hot water, you don't necessarily need to search far. The shower itself may be the source of the problems. We'll look at some typical causes of it not getting hot in this post; understanding the underlying issue can help you take care of the problem faster so you may resume taking cozy showers once again.
The main factor that allows all of us to have hot water readily available in our homes is the water heaters. Just like with every other issue you deal with, it would be a good idea to start with the root of the problem before all else. One common issue regarding the water heater can be the temperature that is set to lower than usual. So, start by making sure the water heater's temperature is set correctly. If it is, a component of your water heater might not be functioning correctly. Since trying to inspect and fix a problem regarding your water heater can be quite risky, we advise you to give a call to professional plumbers for water heater repair.
The next thing you should look at is whether the issue persists with all the taps in your home or if it’s just with the shower. To understand this, turn on each of your hot water taps individually, then see whether they begin to heat up. If the water from other taps gets warm but only your shower doesn’t, then the problem is not with the entire heating system and instead just with the shower system.
The shower valve is a component that is designed to make the ideal temperature by combining hot and cold water, but they’re not necessarily immune from everything and might wear out and lose their functionality. If this is the case, even when the valve is set to hot, you can still be receiving cold water. When the valve is malfunctioning, the rubber components of the valves deteriorate over time, and they need to be replaced. The constant exposure of these components to high temperatures also causes them to degrade. When they start degrading, not only can the hot and cold water not be mixed properly, but also parts that melted can clog the pipes.
A shower that isn’t hot enough can be due to different underlying issues. Even though you can try to fix some of them at home, complex plumbing problems should be taken care of by professionals to avoid any health hazards as well as from growing the issue. If you are consistently experiencing cold showers and are looking for ways to restore your shower’s comfort and efficiency, all you need to do is to call the professional plumbers in California, PA of Mr. Rooter Plumbing. Once we arrive at your home, we will diagnose and resolve the problem as effectively as possible so you can go back to your regular schedule in no time. Call us today to learn more about our plumbing services and schedule your appointment.
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